10325360_10208997283799434_147533850935308238_n 12814209_10208997286319497_1847682522084320181_n 10154042_10208997285119467_2117396621080702754_n 1930802_10208997284599454_2012634907725534881_n 12821604_10208997286639505_581914790836652412_nI made red bean soup, a lot, a lot of it, perhaps two kilograms. And nobody is eating it anymore. So I added more sugar and made azuki toppings, a lot, a lot of it. And people got tired of green tea with azuki beans. So I still have 500g left. I made them into buns. 🙂 So here they are.

Made them into a bridal loaf because I like the look of it. Of course it can be shaped into individual buns or even spiraled and swirled into a loaf.

Red Bean Bread



  • 1 tangzhong recipe bread


  • 200 g red bean paste or tausar
  • made with 75g of red beans, 150g water, 75g sugar and 25g lard/oil


Red Bean Filings

  • Using a pressure cooker, cook the red beans, sugar and water for at least 45 minutes.
  • Uncover the pressure cooker and continue to cook over the heat until the water evaporates almost completely. Careful not to burn it.
  • Transfer the beans to a blender and blend till smooth. You can sieve this now if you want a very smooth paste.
  • Add oil or lard and cook the paste till it is smooth. Add sugar if desired.

Thermomix method

  • After pressure cooking the beans, transfer it to a thermomix and add oil (#3, 100C, 30minutes) and blend and cook until it becomes a paste. Watch carefully, how long it takes depends on how watery your red beans are, it might take a shorter time.
  • Leave them to cool, then shape the red beans into 30g balls.
  • Wrap them into the bread dough of 30g each.
  • Arrange them in a round or ring pan.
  • Bake at 190C on a medium to high shelf for 20 minutes.
  • You know they are done when the sides of the loaf (next to the sides of the cake pan) has turned golden brown.
  • When done, brush the top of buns with butter.

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