Everyone I know in the western world makes a pumpkin soup. I like pumpkin soup when it has a varied texture. Most I have tasted has only one dimension to it. So, I have taken Kurtis Stone’s pumpkin soup and simplified it. I did the parsnip cream, but did not smoke it.

I reduced the cooking time in general, and realized if you use a really good blender, you don’t need to sieve the soup.  Also added a dried bacon/gamon for that crunch.

pumpkin soup

pumpkin soup


Pumpkin Soup:

600 g Kent Pumpkin, cut into 3 cm cubes
1 cup Stock
1 tsp Olive Oil
2 Shallots (finely diced)

Parsnip Cream:

1 Parsnip (core removed, cut into 3cm cubes) or 1 large Potato
20g Butter
50 ml Cream
50 ml Milk
Salt and Pepper to taste
A few pieces of gamon or bacon


  1. Place the gamon or bacon between two sheets of baking trays and place into an oven preheated at 180ºC. Takes about 15 minutes to get them crisp.
  2. Make parsnip or potato cream. Melt butter in Thermomix until smoky. Add the parsnip, cream and milk.
  3. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  4. When parsnip is soft, puree by turning the Thermomix on, speed 5. Set aside.
  5. Make the soup. Heat up the oil and shallots in the Thermomix.
  6. Add the pumpkin pieces.  When cooked, add in the stock and cook until pumpkin is very soft, about 25 minutes.
  7. Puree pumpkin mixture.
  8. Pipe the parsnip cream and pour the pumpkin soup over. Top them with bacon/gamon.

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