Savoury Tofu Pudding DouFuHua 咸豆腐花

Pay attention to this niche life hack. If you’re ever in the mood for some salty tofu pudding but are too lazy to run around and figure out how to magic soy beans and coagulant into tofu pudding, go to your nearest Asian grocery store and grab some Silken Tofu! Fool your family and friends! Your neighbours! Your dog! Your neighbour’s dog! Wow!! This is one of the warmiest homey comfort foods known to Chinese people or maybe just me.

Kevin Lee


  • Mei Wok


  • 1 block of Silken Tofu
  • 1 bunch of Dried Daylily Buds (金針菜)
  • 1 bunch of Wood Ear Mushroom
  • 1 Dried Shitake Mushroom
  • 1 tsp Zha Cai (榨菜)
  • 1 Stalk of Coriander
  • 1 cup Water
  • 1 Tbsp light soy sauce
  • 1 Tbsp Balsamic Vinegar (or Baoning Vinegar if available)
  • 2 tsp Shaoxing Wine
  • 1 tsp Hot Oil
  • 1.5 tsp Salted Shrimp Paste/Belachan (咸虾酱)
  • 1 tsp Oyster Sauce
  • 1/2 tsp corn starch
  • 6 mini Anchovies
  • 6 Peanuts


  • PREP stuff: Soak Lily Buds, Wood Ear Mushroom, and Shitake mushroom in water for at least an hour until rehydrated and pliable. Dice Shitake mushroom until it is no longer recognizable. Strip the coriander and roughly chop.
  • Steam Silken Tofu for 2 minutes, just to warm it up.
  • Stir fry Lily Buds, Wood Ear Mushroom, Shitake bits, Zha Cai, and coriander in 2 tsp of oil for 2~3 minutes. Use a #meiwok for maximum swag points.
  • Pour in all of the liquids and let it reach a rolling boil on high heat before adding in the Belachan, Oyster sauce, and Corn starch. Mix thoroughly and let it simmer for another two minutes.
  • Toast the anchovies and peanuts until it smells/looks nice.
  • Use a large spoon to scoop the tofu into a bowl in such a way that it looks homemade. You should be creating thick layers of tofu rather than huge wads of toilet paper.
  • Pour broth into bowl and garnish with anchovies, peanuts, chili oil (possibly Lao Gan Ma™), and more coriander.
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