At the end of the cheesecake meal, we were so impressed we asked for the recipe. This IS the best cheesecake I have had in my life! And we were told the recipe book is for sale anyway.

I bought the book, and the first place I can bake is in a small apartment in Cambridge, Massachusetts where I am staying to look after my two youngest sons as they are attending school here in Harvard.

The oven is broken, in that the top heater is not working. So I depended only on the lower heat. I couldn’t use the mixer as it is a small apartment and it is so noisy if I were to use a mixer, and the kids will be annoyed.

So this is my recipe with no good oven, and no mixer. But the outcome is super good. I think not inferior to Junior’s. Try it!

Junior’s Strawberry Cheesecake (Shortcut method)



  • 150 g Nabisco Ritz crackers crushed (this is a salty biscuit, and I just happen to have it)
  • 3 Tbs butter melted

Cream Cheese Cake filling

  • 250 g 8 oz cream cheese (Philadelphia)
  • 83 g sugar
  • 1 tbsp cornstarch
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 1 medium egg
  • 5 tbsp heavy cream



  • Crush the crackers and add melted butter. Spread this over a lined cake tin (6 inches) and refrigerate.

Cream Cheese filing

  • Microwave the cheese on high till it just softens and can be made into a smooth paste with a whisk.
  • Add the sugar and mix well.
  • Add the rest of the ingredients and mix until very smooth.
  • Sieve if you feel that the cream cheese is not smooth.
  • Bake the filing in a lined 6 inch pan, over a bain marie for 60 minutes.
  • When the 60 minutes is up, switch off the oven and open the oven door ajar, and let it cool until the oven temperature is at room.
  • Refrigerate for at least 3 hours.
  • If you want to add toppings, do this now. I added fresh strawberry halves and strawberry jello.
  • Remove the lining of the cake and place it over the cake base.
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